
24 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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You be clippin' balls!

Either your compression (or lack of it) has you clipping pretty much from the start, and it leaves the whole track sounding fuzzy. Also, it tends to get very repetitive for 4 minutes of the same lead with random voice clips (of varying quality) throughout. Sort of sounds like you just played with the preset voices on a $80 yamaha keyboard. It's not bad, but I don't really see a whole lot of creativity in this.


Thetatronica responds:

I know this is almost 14 years later, but I've always agreed with this sentiment. It literally was a long track of samples I had that I slapped into the other track of my mixer at the time and did the most basic, garbage cuts possible. A friend from high school requested I remix this song and well.... I guess this shows how shitty of a friend I was to the dude. Because this is a garbage mix.

I normally would've remixed it in the way I do all my other music and just extend what exists while adding small little flairs of my own sound to it. Unfortunately I got my new BCD3000 (I think that's what it was, it was a Behringer mixer) and decided to mix it that way... a way I was not familiar with at all. Same with The Island, yet that turned out better because it was my third time playing through that mix and kind of getting a feel for how to mix the tracks together better. This and The Island are the only two tracks I have ever done which used that mixer.


I think a lot of people who are here to just "listen" to AWESOME OMG NEWGROUNDS TECHNO wont appreciate this one. Because the synths you chose aren't of the highest, loudest caliber. Me, however, I dig it. I feel like you lost a little control of your synth that starts at 0:46, and it sounds a tiny bit off beat right before the bell comes in. Very new-wave-ish, overall, and a solid 8.


stackz989 responds:

Thanks for your review! You are a good listener - I do have some problems on this audio submission. I'll get back to editing and straighten out the synth you are speaking of and I also found a few things myself. I'll head back to the editing process. Yet, thanks for your review.


You said you use reason, correct? Is that lead a custom creation, or a preset? I love it so much. If it's a preset, I have NO IDEA how I haven't found it yet. I can think of at least 2 bands I love that use a similar sound (thrice and doves). Let me know!


RedWingX responds:

the lead is a preset. i used vintage dance lead in the thor synthesizer if you have reason 4. thanks for the comment. and this may come as a bit of a suprise, but your song land locked was the inspiration for this song. in the beginning it sounded a bit like it. but as it progressed it moved away into something completely different. so thank you for the inspiration.

Hey you!

I told you I would check out at least one of your songs. So I did your first submission, and your newest submission. It's great to see your progress. This one's definitely better than your other work. I like that it's expansive, and transitions in and out of itself. You sort of lost me at the end, at 1:20. Speaking of 120... I can tell that's the bpm of this song. 120 tends to subconsciously come across as boring, and too rhythmic.

I liked the song, though, and I can't wait to hear you master this program you've got. I've never heard of ableton. Most everyone here uses Frooty Loops, however I'm a sort of sore thumb myself, cause I use Propellerhead's Reason, and have never touched FL.


kingbotina responds:

Thank you!
You really help me!
Yes you are right the music is kinda boring in the end...

Maybe some day... I will "master this program" XD someday let's pray...

King Botina

Pretty darn good

I love your piano composures. I liked the melody of this one, and how it's constantly changing, and it even loops nicely. It'd be amazing to hear it a bit longer, and with the poem spoken, or sang if that was the intention. I felt like the song should have gone on, though. Longer, and have a part with chords. There's a lot of 8th notes in there, maybe switch to some cool bassy chords on the rhythm hand with half notes, then two quarter notes? I'm a sucker for awesome chords, and I know you have the talent to find the right ones.


Rwinius responds:

that really is a great idea! its a bit of an old poem, but i found it to fit the atmosphere of the score, but to accually use it in the song, i hadnt even thought of that! thanks a lot! i

ll probably exend it too, im gonna find a nice soothing female voice to read the poem :) ill defenitly let you know when/ if its done :D


This is a VERY well made song. It flows amazingly, and it doesn't feel empty at any point. Best song of the week, hands down for me. 5/5 10/10

JohnnyFrizz responds:

Haha thank you!

Like I said!

For you not even knowing this program, and picking up this much as quick as you did, this is phenomenal. Keep at it, and you'll learn this program inside out. Make sure not to take any negative reviews personally. I've had a guy literally review one of my songs "sorry, this was really bad, you should have named it 'if I had a penis'" and vote me a 2.

Timi responds:

Thanks for the review Merlin. Yeah, I know about how some people are just outright assholes, but whatever. You keep up your good work also man

Pretty good, indeed.

Seems like it distorts a little too much, and I think there was a tiny bit of clipping at parts. I can really picture this in a movie, it makes me think of boondock saints for some reason. Like if people are doing a drug deal or something, and it keeps jumping frames, speeding up and slowing down. The song does jump around a bit, but I really like it for some reason. Keep it up!

Timi responds:

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how to do everything, and I haven't really established a style of how I compose. I guess I'll figure that out once I get some experience and familiarity with whatever program I choose to use.

Thanks for the review

hey now

that's the EXACT intro to the NES game Battle of Olympus....

BlackViolet responds:

Where's the relevance in that?


I really really enjoyed this song. I think perhaps for most people it starts out in a unique key they're not used to, and probably skip over it at that. Whereas I like how different it is from everything else on here! But when the song starts picking up, oh man. It's a really good melody, and it flows nicely. You make me blush that I insipired you! Hopefully this review will help all the brainless McGerkin's out there who skip over this song on the intro.


Auth responds:

*bows to the master*


merlin @merlin

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